
Margin Call

You want to see human horror? You should see this movie One of the best movies on the 2008 financial crisis. Margin Call This blog item was published by Ritesh Sinha.

And yes Mr. Wayne it comes in Black.

Another barrier removed for me to buy a Samsung Galaxy S3.  Its now available in Black, sorry I correct myself ” Its Sapphire Black”. A description from  Samsung’s blog in Marketing Speak. Sapphire Black*: A colour that adds the mysterious power of dark stones to the refined, deep sophistication of the colour black, Sapphire Black is inspired […]

IPad Usage: Creation or Consumption? Or Both?

First off, despite its shortcomings in my view, IPad is the best tablet out there. Nothing comes close to it. Except possibly the Nexus 7.But, if you belive that IPad is a content creation device, The Infographic below as compiled by Infographic Labs showing the usage patters will clear your doubts. Not to say that other […]

India plans mission to Mars

This post is ONLY For all the naysayers who believe: “India shouldn’t do this !” “This is wastage of money !” “Look at your poor !” “Provide toilets !” OR “India doesn’t have capability”. If you are from the West ern (Developed) world:Ahh! So you heard something related to Space Exploration by a country of snake […]

The energy crisis in India

Its a shame that there were not one but two massive power outages in India at the end of July, hitting almost half of India’s population. First, when the northern grid tripped, millions of people suffered without electricity, in the early hours of Monday. Delhi Metro came to a halt, so did the road traffic as […]

Delhi’s Teledensity – 93%

Times of India is reporting that Delhi has 93% Teledensity, and there are about 12 million mobile phones, for this city of about 16 Million residents( thats 75%). Rest of it is the land line phones. 12 years back- 1995, mobile phones were launched in Delhi with the services of Essar Cellphone and Airtel. Two […]

Iphone Mania

Whats the point in The most respectable Gadget blog providing hourly updates on the waiting lines for a phone that isn’t even a complete phone YET? Hype or Marketing Genius? This blog item was published by Ritesh Sinha.