Its amazing to see how Firefox has spread. Within 100 Hrs of release, Mozilla Foundation had over a million downloads. Their target was to reach 1 Million in 10 days. This shows how people are looking for good alternatives to IE. Firefox is far better than IE. I have been using it for 5 days now. And I am very satisfied. It is easy to use, with none of the complexities that were associated with other alternatives to IE. Firefox has given that option to users.
The newest and one of the most severe Vulnerabilities of IE that was discovered a few days back hasn’t helped IE much. The JPEG Processing Buffer Overrun vulnerability affects almost all Microsoft products, that can process Jpeg Images. This includes IE, MS Office, and any third-party application that processes Jpeg like ACDSee. Microsoft has done a proof of concept of this vulnerability and warned its users. It will be not long before trojans using this software security hole appears. Generally, it takes a few days to up to three weeks before such a virus appears. So watch out. Or better shift to Firefox. A great job done, by the Mozilla Foundation and by the Open source community.